Privacy Policy

Manchester Alcoholism Rehabilitation Center dba Farnum Center

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Manchester Alcoholism Rehabilitation Center dba Farnum Center (“us”, “we” or “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy of the individuals about whom we collect personal information (“user”, “you” or “your”). This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) is designed to assist you in understanding how we collect, use, share, safeguard, retain and destroy personal information you may provide to us or that we collect from or about you from other sources. “Personal information” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular individual, or in some cases a household (e.g., under the CCPA, where applicable).


In the chart below, we discuss the categories of personal information we collect (including identifying types of information we may collect within each of the categories), the categories of sources we obtain that personal information from, our business or commercial purpose(s) for collecting and using the personal information, the categories of service providers and/or third parties to whom we disclose personal information for a business or commercial purpose, and the business or commercial purpose(s) for disclosing personal information. Please note that we do not sell your personal information. We endeavor to only retain your personal information for as long as necessary for the purposes for which we collect it or as otherwise required under applicable law or by specific agreements with or that relate to you. When we no longer need the personal information, we will destroy it (including erasure where applicable) securely and safely.

In Section 3 below, we provide more detail about information collected through online technologies, including a discussion about cookies and any other similar technologies that we and/or our service providers may use with regard to collecting personal information.

Categories of personal information collected about individualsCategories of sources from which the personal information is collected (including directly from the individuals)Business or commercial purpose(s) for collecting and using the personal informationCategories of service providers and/or third parties to whom we disclose personal information for a business or commercial purposeBusiness or commercial purpose(s) for disclosing personal information
(A) Identifiers, including:  
Legal Name
Alias Physical Address Mailing Address Telephone Numbers
Email Addresses
Social Security Number
Driver’s License/State ID #
Date of Birth          

Internet Protocol address (IP Address) – see category F
Individual directly and/or individual family members or authorized representatives   Government and third-party agencies   On-line employment services providers   On-line and social networking advertising providers   Employment screening services   Third party healthcare providers and insurers

see category F
To enable correspondence with you, a family member or an authorized representative
To provide services to you or a family member  
To receive or solicit donations  
For payment purposes
To send newsletters and other publications
For marketing, business development, and
For entering into and carrying out employment, volunteerism, and internship relationships    

see category F
Government and third- party agencies   Web hosting and other applications service providers   On-line employment service providers   Employment screening services   Third party healthcare providers and insurers   Third party billing and payment processors    

see category F
To enable correspondence with you, a family member or an authorized representative To provide services to you or a family member   For payment services   For entering into and carrying out employment, volunteerism, and internship relationships

see category F
Categories of personal information collected about individualsCategories of sources from which the personal information is collected (including directly from the individuals)Business or commercial purpose(s) for collecting and using the personal informationCategories of service providers and/or third parties to whom we disclose personal information for a business or commercial purposeBusiness or commercial purpose(s) for disclosing personal information
(B) Any categories of personal information concerning customer records, including:   Legal Name Alias Signature Physical Address Mailing Address Telephone Numbers Email Address Social Security Number Driver’s License/State ID # Date of Birth Payment Information (Bank Account/Credit and or Debit Card) Billing Information Health Insurance Information Medicaid/Medicare Information Medical and Mental Health Information Criminal Records Education History Employment HistoryIndividual directly and/or individual family members or authorized representatives   Government and third-party agencies   On-line employment services providers   Employment screening services   On-line and social networking advertising providers   Third party healthcare providers and insurersTo enable correspondence with you, a family member or an authorized representative   To provide services to you or a family member   To receive or solicit donations   To send newsletters and other publications   For marketing, business development, and advertising   For payment purposes   For entering into and carrying out employment, volunteerism, and internship relationshipsGovernment and third- party agencies   Web hosting and other applications service providers   On-line employment service providers   Employment screening services   Third party healthcare providers and insurers   Third party billing and payment processorsTo enable correspondence with you, a family member or an authorized representative   To provide services to you or a family member   For payment services
Categories of personal information collected about individualsCategories of sources from which the personal information is collected (including directly from the individuals)Business or commercial purpose(s) for collecting and using the personal informationCategories of service providers and/or third parties to whom we disclose personal information for a business or commercial purposeBusiness or commercial purpose(s) for disclosing personal information
(C) Characteristics of protected classifications under applicable law (that is, particular characteristics shared by groups of people that result in special protection under the applicable law, such as race or gender), including:   Age Race/Color Religion National Origin Sex/Gender (including pregnancy) Sexual Orientation Marital Status Medical and mental health accommodations Citizenship Mental Health Military/Veteran StatusIndividual directly and/or individual family members or authorized representatives   Government and third-party agencies   On-line employment services providers   On-line and social networking advertising providers   Employment screening services   Third party healthcare providers and insurersTo provide services to you or a family member   For marketing, business development, and advertising   For payment purposes   For reporting to government and third-party agenciesGovernment and third- party agencies   Web hosting and other applications service providers   Employment screening services   Third party healthcare providers and insurers   Third party billing processorsTo provide services to you or a family member   To provide leave and benefit assistance   For payment services
Categories of personal information collected about individualsCategories of sources from which the personal information is collected (including directly from the individuals)Business or commercial purpose(s) for collecting and using the personal informationCategories of service providers and/or third parties to whom we disclose personal information for a business or commercial purposeBusiness or commercial purpose(s) for disclosing personal information
(D) Commercial information, including:   Personal Property (record of belongings) Records of services obtainedIndividual directly and/or individual family members or authorized representatives   Government and third-party agencies   Third party healthcare providers and insurersTo provide services to you or a family member For marketing, business development, and advertising For payment purposes For reporting to government and third-party agenciesGovernment and third-party agencies   Third party healthcare providers and insurers   Third party billing processorsTo provide services to you or a family member, or marketing   For payment services
Categories of personal information collected about individualsCategories of sources from which the personal information is collected (including directly from the individuals)Business or commercial purpose(s) for collecting and using the personal informationCategories of service providers and/or third parties to whom we disclose personal information for a business or commercial purposeBusiness or commercial purpose(s) for disclosing personal information
E) Biometric information, including:   Signature Sleep, health or other exercise data Body temperatureIndividual directly or authorized representatives   Third party healthcare providers and insurersTo enable correspondence with you, a family member or authorized representative   For coordination of care   For payment purposes   For entering into and carrying out employment, volunteerism, and internship relationships   For marketing, business development, and advertising   For health and wellness benefits   For the overall health and safety of our staff, clients and visitors   For reporting to government and third-party agenciesGovernment and third-party agencies   Third party healthcare providers and insurers   Third party payment processors   Employment service providers   Employment screening servicesTo enable correspondence with you or a family member   For coordination of care   For entering into and carrying out employment, volunteerism, and internship relationships   For payment services   Evaluation and/or relocation of services
Categories of personal information collected about individualsCategories of sources from which the personal information is collected (including directly from the individuals)Business or commercial purpose(s) for collecting and using the personal informationCategories of service providers and/or third parties to whom we disclose personal information for a business or commercial purposeBusiness or commercial purpose(s) for disclosing personal information
(F) Internet or other electronic network activity information, including: IP Addresses Log Data
E-mail addresses –
see categories A and B
Direct contact from individuals accessing our web platform through internet activity  
E-mail addresses –
see categories A and B
For security reasons           E-mail addresses –
see categories A and B
Web hosting provider           E-mail addresses –
see categories A and B
For web hosting For assistance with web site and computer systems security
E-mail addresses– see categories A and B
(G) Geolocation data, including:   Country Town/city StateOn-line and social networking advertising providers Web hosting and other applications service providers Through tracking devices installed on our organization’s vehicles Data analytics providersFor marketing, business development, and advertising   For the overall health and safety of our staff and clientsThird party auto insurersFor insurance purposes
(H) Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information, including:   Voice recordings Photographs Video recordingsIndividual directly and/or individual family members or authorized representatives   Through security devices such as camerasFor marketing, business development, and advertising For carrying out security For entering into and carrying out employment, volunteerism, and internship relationshipsThird party healthcare providersFor coordination of care
Categories of personal information collected about individualsCategories of sources from which the personal information is collected (including directly from the individuals)Business or commercial purpose(s) for collecting and using the personal informationCategories of service providers and/or third parties to whom we disclose personal information for a business or commercial purposeBusiness or commercial purpose(s) for disclosing personal information
(I) Professional or employment-related information, including:   Applications Resumes Social Sec. Number Driver’s License Physical/Mailing Address Background Checks IRS Information such as w- 4 and w-2 Bank Account Information Health Screenings Leave Information Leave Accruals Benefit Information Retirement Information Online work Activity Drug Test ResultsIndividual directly and/or individual family members or authorized representatives   Government and third-party agencies   On-line employment services providers   Employment screening services   On-line and social networking advertising providers   Third party healthcare providers and insurers   Web hosting and other applications service providers Financial service providersTo enable correspondence with you, a family member or authorized representative  
For payment purposes   For entering into and carrying out employment, volunteerism, and internship relationships   For health and wellness benefits  
For the overall health and safety of our staff and clients  
For security purposes  
For reporting to government and third-party agencies
Government and third-party agencies
Third party healthcare providers and insurers   Third party billing and payment processors   Employment screening services
Financial service providers
To enable correspondence with you or a family member  
For entering into and carrying out employment, volunteerism, and internship relationships   To provide leave and benefit assistance
For payment services
Categories of personal information collected about individualsCategories of sources from which the personal information is collected (including directly from the individuals)Business or commercial purpose(s) for collecting and using the personal informationCategories of service providers and/or third parties to whom we disclose personal information for a business or commercial purposeBusiness or commercial purpose(s) for disclosing personal information
(J) Education information, including:
Education History
See identifiers in categories A and B
Individual directly and/or individual family members or authorized representatives   Government and third-party agencies  
On-line employment services providers   Educational Institutions   See identifiers in categories A and B
For entering into and carrying out employment, volunteerism, and internship relationships   To provide services to you or a family member See identifiers in categories A and BGovernment and third-party agencies
Third party healthcare providers
Web hosting and other applications service providers
See identifiers in categories A and B
For coordination of care   For entering into and carrying out employment, volunteerism, and internship relationships   See identifiers in categories A and B

Our services are not targeted to, intended to be consumed by, or designed to solicit individuals under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under age 18. We take children’s privacy seriously, and encourage parents to play an active role in their children’s online experience at all times. If you know of or have reason to believe anyone under the age of 18 has provided us with any personal information, please contact us.


In order for you to register as a user and access certain portions of our Site, and our online services (including any mobile applications and social media networks/pages), and if you communicate with us by e-mail or otherwise complete online forms or the like, we may obtain your IP address and require you to provide us or our authorized service providers with information that personally identifies you as described in the chart in Section 2 above, including any account number that we assign to you which may be retained and used by us as described in this Privacy Policy.

You may choose not to provide us with any personal information. In such an event, you will not be able to access or use those portions of the Site or services or participate in certain online activities that require your personal information. You may still use the Site to browse information about the Site and services.

Cookies and Similar Technologies
  1. Necessary Cookies:   These cookies are necessary to provide use of a website.
  2. User Experience Cookies:   These cookies improve/enhance your user experience of a website by enabling the site to remember information that changes the way the site behaves or looks, such as by setting your language preference, remembering your name or location, keeping you logged in, or providing enhanced or more personalized features. Please note that where you specifically request the relevant function that requires such cookies, that processing typically is treated as necessary.
  3. Analytical Cookies:   These cookies collect information about your use of a website to analyze certain of your activities to help with understanding how visitors interact with the site, including estimating the number of unique visitors to the site and to specific pages within the site, to detect the most preeminent search engine keywords that lead to the site and to specific pages within the site, to identify site navigation issues, and to see how visitors move around the site.
  4. Marketing Cookies:   These cookies are used to track site visitors/users across third-party websites, including tracking browsing habits such as what pages a visitor/user visits, what items are viewed and how many times, and to display ads and provide focused advertising for goods or services that might be relevant or of interest to the particular visitor/user.

Cookies may be distinguished by who is setting the cookie on your device when you visit a website. A “first party cookie” refers to cookies set by us as the controller or operator of the site or a processor acting on its behalf. On the other hand, a “third party cookie” refers to cookies that are set by other controllers that do not operate the particular site. Also, cookies are sometimes characterized by their duration. A “session cookie” is a cookie that is automatically deleted from your computer or device when you close your browser, whereas a “persistent cookie” is a cookie that remains stored in your computer or device until a defined expiration date and/or until you take steps to remove. You may be able to adjust your cookies preferences and even remove and disallow cookies through your browser settings.

We obtain aggregated, deidentified information from our analytics providers, through the use by them of technologies such as cookies, regarding the use of our Site which may include any of the following: (i) the number of unique and/or active users on our Site, (ii) the country where our Site visitors browse our website from, (iii) access times, times spent, and Site pages visited, (iv) operating systems and/or device type (e.g., desktop or mobile) of visitors to our Site (v) browser types, (vi) how Site visitors are acquired in terms of organic web searches, directly using our website URL, or third party referrals or hyperlinks; (vii) and certain aggregated demographic information such as age range and gender. Such information may be collected from your computer, tablet, mobile phone or other device used to access the Site and/or certain services, as well as related software, when you visit the Site.

We participate in various social media services, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. We do not control, nor are we responsible, for their personal information collection and use practices, including sharing of personal information they collect. You should review the privacy policies of any social media sites you access to understand their practices with regard to your personal information.


Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, or any agreements you enter into with us, we will keep your personal information private and will not share it with third parties, unless such disclosure is necessary to: (a) comply with applicable laws, regulations, rules and the like, or legal process served on us; (b) provide you the products, services and/or information that you have requested; (c) protect our rights and/or property; (d) enforce our rights; (e) protect the interests of other users of the Site, our mobile applications, our social medial sites, and/or our services, or any other person; (f) operate or conduct maintenance and repair of our equipment; and/or (g) detect, prevent and/or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues, as authorized by law.

In general, we will use personal information only for the purpose for which such information was provided to us, including providing support, services or products as applicable. We may also use personal information to (a) to verify the information you provided to us; (b) to provide you with the information that you have requested; (c) to respond to your inquiries; (d) to contact you when necessary; (e) to send you information about us, including information related to our products, services, programs or promotional activities, or about third party products, services, programs or promotional activities that may be of interest to you. If you sign up or subscribe to our newsletter(s) or publications, we will use your name and e-mail address to send the newsletter(s) or publications to you.

We may share your personal information with our affiliates (where applicable), and with service providers that provide services to us and/or our affiliates (including, handling and delivering of e-mail communications and publications, payment processing, user submitted information processing and/or storage, and website hosting) as reasonably necessary for them to provide those services.

Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, we may transfer, sell or assign information concerning the Site and/or services (including, but not limited to, the Service) and your use of the Site and services, including without limitation, personal information, to third parties, as a result of the sale, merger, consolidation, change in control, transfer of substantial assets, or reorganization or liquidation of us.

  1. Submissions

Any and all information or material, including any personal information, you transmit, post or upload to or through the Site by or to message boards, chat rooms or similar discussion forums, blogs, wiki pages or otherwise (“Submissions”) can be read, collected, or used by other users of these forums, and could be used to send you unsolicited messages or for other purposes. We are not responsible for the personal information or other information you choose to submit in Submissions. We participate in various social media services, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. We do not control, nor are we responsible, for their personal information collection and use practices, including sharing of personal information they collect. You should review the privacy policies of any social media sites you access to understand their practices with regard to Submissions.


We have put in place security measures intended to protect the personal information we process. We take reasonable administrative, technical, and physical measures to safeguard against unauthorized access to, use, alteration, disclosure and transfer of, and accidental loss or alteration of, the personal information we collect.

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or method of storage can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us or from our Site and services, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we make reasonable efforts to ensure security on our systems.

Our Site and/or services may contain links to third-party websites. If you access any third-party website links, you will leave the Site and services. We do not control those sites or their privacy practices, which may differ from our practices. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of linked third party sites. We do not make any warranty or representation regarding, nor do we endorse, any such websites or the information or content appearing thereon or any of the products or services described therein, or the accuracy of the same. The personal information you choose to provide to or that is collected by these other parties is not covered by our Privacy Policy. We encourage you to review the privacy policy of any third party before submitting your personal information. If you decide to access linked such websites, you do so at your own risk.


Some browsers allow you to automatically notify websites you visit not to track you, by using a “Do Not Track” signal. There is no consensus among industry participants as to what “Do Not Track” means in this context. Like many websites and online services, we currently do not alter our practices when we receive a “Do Not Track” signal from a visitor’s browser. We do not honor requests for or respond to Do Not Track signals/requests. Additionally, we may collect user information about your online activities over time and across different websites, or authorize third parties to do so. To find out more about “Do Not Track,” you may wish to visit


If you sign up/subscribe to our newsletter(s) or other publications (if any) and you no longer wish to receive the same, you may unsubscribe by following the opt-out/unsubscribe link located within each newsletter or other publication, or by contacting us at: 1 (888) 840-4243 or via e- mail at [email protected].

If you do not wish to receive information or other material from us other than newsletter(s) or publications, you may “opt-out” of receiving these communications by contacting us at: 1 (888) 840-4243 or via e-mail at [email protected].


If you wish to change or modify information that you previously provided to us, you may do so by sending us an e-mail at: [email protected].

We will use reasonable efforts to ensure that your information is corrected or updated in our records.


If you utilize our services from a country other than the country where our servers are located, your communications with us may result in transferring your personal data across international borders. Additionally, your personal information may be shared with our service providers, which could involve the transfer of your personal information across international borders.


We may change our Privacy Policy at any time by updating this posting. Changes to our Privacy Policy will be effective when posted and the new effective date will be identified. If we have referenced this Privacy Policy in connection with a contract with you that requires other specific means of providing you notice of changes to the Privacy Policy, we will provide notice to you as required by the contract.


For more information about our privacy practices, or if you have questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, our privacy practices, or about the security at our Site and services, you may contact us in one or more of the following ways:

Manchester Alcoholism Rehabilitation Center dba Farnum Center
Attn: Compliance Officer
555 Auburn Street, Manchester, NH 03103

Email address: [email protected]
Toll free telephone number: 1 (888) 840-4243


This Privacy Policy is effective as of January 11, 2021 and supersedes and replaces any prior Privacy Policy.

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View Farnum’s HIPAA Privacy Policy