News & Stories
393 Results
Press Release
Helping Hands: Annual Gala Honors Veterans, Raises Funds
The 7th annual Nashua Salute Our Soldiers Gala Saturday evening at the Sky Meadow Country Club honored the many men and women protecting the nation’s freedoms.
Press Release
Veterans Count is hosting the 11th Annual Salute Our Soldiers Breakfast
The Manchester Chapter of Veterans Count, the philanthropic arm of Easterseals Military & Veterans Services (M&VS), is holding its 11th Annual Salute Our Soldiers (SOS) Breakfast on October 24, from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. at The Manchester Downtown Hotel (formerly the Radisson).
Press Release
Help at Hand for Veterans, Service Members and Their Families
Are you a service member, veteran, or military family member (SMVF) who needs help and doesn’t know where to go? Are you a community provider who wants to do more to help the SMVFs in our state? Are you a clinician who wants to be better informed about the physical and mental health challenges faced…
Press Release
Easterseals Military & Veterans Services and Veterans Count Expand to the Upper Valley Region
This past Thursday, Veterans Count hosted a very successful breakfast, to officially launch its newest chapter in the Upper Valley Region! In 2017, the Attorney General awarded Easterseals $190,000 from the closing of Project Vet Care, in order for us to continue serving our military heroes in the region.
Press Release
Easterseals NH Merger with The Homemakers Health Services to Benefit Seniors, Veterans, and Adults with Disabilities in Greater Seacoast & Beyond
Manchester, NH – Easterseals NH is pleased to announce a merger with Rochester-based The Homemakers Health Services effective September 1, 2018. Going forward the programs housed in Rochester—in-home medical & non-medical care, as well as a facility-based adult day program, will officially fall under the Easterseals NH umbrella of services. “The Homemakers Health Services has been providing…
Blog Post
September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
The 2018 Suicide Data Report released by the US Department of Veterans Affair’s Office of Suicide Prevention showed that across the country, the suicide rates increased for both Veterans and non-Veterans, underscoring the fact that suicide is a national public health concern that affects people everywhere.
Press Release
Easterseals Provides Workforce Development with $15,000 Grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation – August 2018
Easterseals NH Workforce Development program has received a $15,000 grant from the Wells Fargo Foundation to provide high-impact job readiness training and employment for low-income individuals with disabilities or special needs.
Press Release
Beards, Beers and Battles Scars Raises $3,000
We wrapped up Beards, Beers and Battle Scars today! Over $3,000 was raised for veterans, service members and their families!
Blog Post
Easterseals NH Military & Veterans Services: Serving Those who Serve
Easterseals Military & Veterans Services’ Care Coordinators stand ready when a service member, veteran, or military family encounters challenges.